Ending In Fire

Ending In Fire

Death by Drowning

The sound of all the violence
The world
The music of the spheres Ringing
Bells Feedback Toning hitting
That perfect circle moment
The sound of the violence
The sound of crying.


Weaver winds
Twine twists between digits
Dye one blood
Leave this pure
Cold and blue

Losing the Moon

Move along, Mother Night,
Throw the baby away
this curse lasts forever
Move along, Mother Night.


Shape break step step break into
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                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                        break step step break into
                                                break step step break
                                                break step step break
                        break step step break into
                                                break step step break
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                                                break step step break
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                                                break step step break
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break into
                        break step step break into
                        break step step break into
Shape break step step break
Shape break step
Shape break

Ending in Fire

Long we have waited at fire camp dreaming
Dancing to a bitter song
Where once we howeld to the moon
We now pay heed to why it hows:
The circle and the rose are one.

Winter Solstice 1993

Mark Domenic Amadeo Tripp Pesce
This document may be freely distributed.  
No copyright is acknowledged or implied.